The most important question to ask yourself when trying on a new bra is ‘Am I comfortable?’. If you follow our fitting guidelines below and find that your are not comfortable in your bra despite it being a ‘good fit’ then the bra is simply not the right one for you.  This is general bra fitting advice, you may need extra advice for specific issues.

The majority of the support of a bra should come from the band, for this reason the band should fit snugly to your body on the loosest set of hooks*, and should be horizontal all the way around. If you find that the bra does not feel like it is offering enough support, despite having straps correctly adjusted and/or is riding up your back then you need to try a band size smaller. Remember, if you decrease the band size you will need to increase the cup size by 1-2 cups. If this is suddenly happening after wearing the bra for a few weeks then it’s time to move onto the next set of hooks.

The underwire should fully encase your breast and sit flat against your body all the way around, sitting right at the base of your breast in the crease where your breast and torso meet. Pay particular attention to the central gore as this is a common place for the wire to stand away from your body. The wire should not dig in or sit on your breast tissue.

When the cup of the bra fits correctly all breast tissue should be contained within the cup, there should be no bulging of breast tissue over the top of the cup or to the side under your arm. There should also be no gaping or wrinkling to the fabric.

If you would like a fit check by one of our experienced volunteer team then please check out the Boob or Bust – bra measuring advice group on Facebook.

* If you are pregnant or under 18 please refer to our pregnant or under 18 fitting guides as your advice varies slightly here.

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